ICAI The Labs: AI for Autonomous Systems


8 February 2025


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On 15 September, ICAI will host an event on AI for Autonomous Systems. The EAISI AIMM lab and Delta lab each present their work and discuss challenges and developments made in this field.

The EAISI AI-enabled Manufacturing and Maintenance (AIMM) Lab is a collaboration between Eindhoven University of Technology (TU/e), KMWE, Lely, Marel, and Nexperia. The lab’s goal is to improve decision-making in manufacturing and maintenance using artificial intelligence. AIMM Lab is based in Eindhoven.

The UvA and technology company Bosch have agreed to extend their established collaboration with the launch of a new public-private research lab. Delta Lab 2 – the follow-up to the successful collaboration Delta Lab 1 – will focus on the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning for applications in computer vision, generative models and causal learning. Delta Lab 2 will form part of ICAIThe lab will be headed by the UvA’s Dr Jan-Willem van de Meent and Prof. Theo Gevers. Dr Eric Nalisnick will be the daily lab manager.


  • 12.00 hr: Opening
  • 12:05 hr: Introduction of the EAISI AIMM lab
  • 12:10 hr A Predictive Maintenance Concept for Geographically Dispersed Technical Systems by Geert-Jan van Houtum (TU Eindhoven)
  • 12.25 hr: Introduction Delta Lab by Eric Nalisnick
  • 12.30 hr: On the Calibration of Systems that Learn to Defer to Experts by Rajeev Verma
  • 12.45 hr: Discussion of what’s next in AI for Autonomous Systems
  • 13.00 hr: End


Please click here for more information about the event. For participation please click here. Vertaling in het Nederlands.

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