Launch of AI for Energy Grids Lab


15 February 2025


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A sufficiently strong and smart electricity grid in the Netherlands is essential to be able to accommodate the energy transition and to achieve the goals of the Paris climate agreement. Therefore Alliander, TUDelft, Radboud University, UTwente and HAN are joining forces in the AI for Energy Grids Lab, by connecting AI professionals, knowledge, technological innovations, and insights. This AI lab will enable new initiatives in the application of AI in energy grids, such as graph neural networks en state estimation.

The focus areas of the AI for Energy Grids Lab are:

  1. Graph Neural Networks
  2. State Estimation
  3. Risk-based investments and operation
  4. Digital Mesh / Decentralized control of energy flows
  5. Explainable AI

Official launch

On 20 April 2022 between 15.00 – 16.30 hr the AI for Energy Grids Lab will be officially launched.


  • Social value of deploying AI in the energy transition – Kees van der Klauw (Coalition Manager, The Netherlands AI Coalition)
  • Changes within the energy networks – Pallas Agterberg (Challenge Officer, Alliander)
  • Introduction of the AI for Energy Grids Lab – Jochen Cremer (Co-Director Delft AI Energy Lab, TUDelft, and Lab Manager AI for Energy Grids Lab)
  • The AI for Energy Lab and the five focus areas – Werner van Westering (Principal, Alliander)

Interested in attending this event?

Please click here for more information about the event and the possibility to register. Registration is possible until 18 April. The language of this event will be English.

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