Session about the European AI Act


8 February 2025


Mondai House of AI, TU Delft Campus (fysiek en online).

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The Dutch AI Coalition (NLAIC), the AI Hub Zuid-Holland and Mondai House of AI organise this session about the European AI Act. Where do we stand now with the AI Act and how should organisations prepare for its implementation?

In 2021 the European Commision published a proposal for an AI Act. Currently the negotiations about the text with the member states and the European Parliament are in full swing. Where do we stand now? What will change in the original text? What remains the same? Should organisations already start preparing for the AI Act? And, if so, how? How is the supervision of the AI Act being set-up? What is new with the AI regulatory sandbox?

During this session several speakers will share their insights with you and help answer the questions above. Jos van der Wijst, member of the working group Human Centric AI will moderate this session:

  • Prof. mr. Anne Meuwese (University of Leiden): walk-through of the AI Act and the available input on the documents.
  • Member of (European) parliament (to be confirmed): Views on the political negotiation process.
  • Dasha Simons (IBM): Why and how organizations should prepare for the AI Act.
  • Huub Janssen (Agentschap Telecom): Reaction on the AI regulatory sandbox from a supervisory perspective.


Interested to attend this session? Attendance of the session is free. You can register via this link. The main language of this session will be Dutch. Interested in more information about the legal aspects of AI? Please visit this page for more information.

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