The goal is to acquire knowledge and understandings that will help the development and application of reliable, human-centric AI. Research in this programme promotes the development of technological innovations that safeguard public values and fundamental rights and respect human rights, from the perspective of human-centric AI, and strengthens those innovations where possible to help build public support. The programme is partly financed by the kick-start resources that were made available to the NL AIC by the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy.
Aim of the ELSA Lab network project
The goal of this ELSA Lab network project is to help realise impact through the ELSA Labs. The network project will facilitate the development and dissemination of ELSA Lab knowledge and identify lessons that can be learned from the setup and initial developments of all ELSA Labs so that they can be used for future initiatives.
The lessons learned are translated into a blueprint for an ELSA Lab consisting of a set of principles in ELSA Lab cooperation, methods, impact and sustainability. The development and spread of knowledge and experience are facilitated by a learning network of ELSA Labs. This is about solutions for both social and business challenges where there are strong social interests.
The project given the grant has a term of six years and is led by Mirjam Plantinga (ELSA Lab Noord-Nederland) and Astrid Boeijen and Maurice Groten from the Brightlands AI Hub. The consortium consists of: Dr V. Blok (Wageningen University & Research), Dr J. van Diggelen (TNO), Prof. G. Jacobs (Erasmus University Rotterdam) and Prof. N. Helberger (University of Amsterdam).
Initiators of the call are the ministries of Economic Affairs and Climate Policy, Defence, Justice and Security, Interior and Kingdom Relations and Education, Culture and Science.
More information
Have a look here for the complete news report from NWO or read more about the ELSA concept and the overview of the current ELSA Labs.