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Launch of the Key Digital Technologies call with support from the AiNed programme

The European Key Digital Technologies (KDT) call for proposals has been announced and will open on 18 January 2022. The call is facilitated by the Horizon Europe Framework Programme (HORIZON) and is being co-financed by the AiNed programme to the sum of €5 million. With this support, the AiNed programme is aiming to increase participation by Dutch parties in the AI projects in this European call.

The call covers the 2021-2-RIA-FocusTopic 1, for which the research area is ‘Processing solutions for AI at the edge addressing the design stack and middleware’. If you are interested in submitting a project proposal (together with others), you can find out what the eligible subjects are – related to the development and application of AI – by visiting this website (see topic description). You can also find practical information there about the application process, such as an application manual and an overview of frequently asked questions.

More information

A KDT Research and Innovation Action (RIA) mainly consists of activities aimed at acquiring new knowledge and/or exploring the feasibility of a new or improved technology, product, process, service, method, tool or solution. To that end, applied research, technology development and/or method and tool integration, testing and validation can be carried out on a small-scale prototype in a laboratory or simulated environment. Features of an RIA proposal are:

  • Implementation by a consortium that can consist of SMEs, large companies, universities, centers of expertise and public organisations.
  • Developing innovative technologies and/or using them in an innovative way.
  • A targeted demonstration of the innovative approach in a relevant product, service or opportunity, clearly addressing the applications that are relevant to social challenges.
  • Demonstrating value and potential in a realistic lab environment that reproduces the intended application.
  • A development plan covering valorisation for the KDT ecosystem and showing how it helps the KDT goals and objectives.


  • The starting date of the call is 18 January 2022.
  • The deadline for submitting project proposals is 27 April 2022, 17:00.

The Netherlands AI Coalition (NL AIC) will assist participants by providing up-to-date information and will also help find local partners through matchmaking to develop joint project proposals.

Information AiNed programme

The AiNed programme was developed by the NL AIC to assist Dutch companies and public institutions in taking essential steps with AI that are of major economic and social importance. In the first phase of the programme, public-private investments will be made in four programme components: applying AI systems, the knowledge base and innovation base, people and skills, and cooperation within the ecosystem. The AiNed programme has been allocated a budget of €276 million for Phase 1 from the National Growth Fund. An application for the follow-up phase is being prepared.


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