One of the most important opportunities is by providing access to data in a future-proof and responsible way. Instead of central platforms, we want to share data federally.
In 2020, the Data Sharing Working Group will have created a knowledge base based on responsible data sharing. The owner of the data determines what happens to his/her data and is not tied to one platform or one supplier. By having the basis for AI in order in this way, we can create a head start. Various use cases were realised, after which the code was made freely available via GitLab to stimulate the development of AI innovations.
In order to keep up with the latest developments on data sharing, a quick scan and validation was also carried out in December 2020. The result of this inventory validates the choice of the chosen architecture based on IDS and is in line with international developments and standards. This strengthens our conviction that, based on the right principles, we are building a future-proof architecture as the driving force behind AI applications. The Netherlands AI Coalition thus creates a sustainable position for the Netherlands and strengthens its earning power and the development of social applications. The quick scan shows that there are still plenty of developments going on, so we will continue to follow these closely.
The quick scan and validation was conducted under the leadership of Professor David Langley (TNO and University of Groningen) in cooperation with Innopay and TNO. Specialists in the Netherlands and abroad have contributed to the content.