First online AI-mission France – The Netherlands in January
To accelerate AI developments in the Netherlands and to connect AI initiatives for future prosperity and well-being, international cooperation is also important. The working group International of the Netherlands AI Coalition (NL AIC) is working on this. Stefan Koreneef has been working from the Dutch Embassy in Paris since February, and is closely involved in the initiatives of the working group.

Growing internationally with digital innovations
Stefan Koreneef: “The working group International, led by Marloes Pomp (NL AIC), takes a strategic view of presenting the Netherlands as a leading AI country. This includes the presentation of the NL AIC, our AI companies, AI researchers and partnerships that we can stimulate.
For this purpose, we organise amongst others AI innovation missions. Recently, the Netherlands-France AI-mission took place. On behalf of the Dutch Innovation Attaché network of the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, we have organised this mission in cooperation with the NL AIC. With this, we support Dutch entrepreneurs and researchers to grow internationally with their digital innovations and to cash in on economic opportunities on the global market.”
European funds for AI research
Stefan: “In addition to the missions, there is also a ‘government to government’ programme, in which we further strengthen cooperation in the field of Artificial Intelligence (AI) both bilaterally and at the European level, think of the many billions from European funds that will become available for AI research in the period 2021/2027. We want Dutch companies and knowledge institutes to gain maximum benefit from this and therefore a strategic partnership with France and also Germany is of great importance.
In 2021, many new European programmes (funds) will start in the field of AI research, but also the testing of AI applications such as mobility, health and agro food in EU programmes. The Netherlands is the fifth net recipient of EU research funds, but France is the largest and therefore an interesting partner to explore (future) cooperation with in the field of AI.”
Investing for the long term
The working group has identified a number of priority countries for AI: the US, Germany, Belgium, Singapore and France. Stefan: “Collaborating with a large EU country like France is essential for the negotiations of the upcoming EU AI legislation, so that the wishes and objectives of the NL AIC are taken into account as well as possible. But also worldwide, think of the recent participation of the Netherlands in the “Global Partnership AI” or GPAI, a multi-stakeholder initiative of France and Canada that aims to bridge the gap between theory and practice in the field of AI by supporting pioneering research. Interesting for the NL AIC is that GPAI covers all major AI markets like Japan, India and the US. During the online mission in France, we also want to present GPAI and show how it can be of interest to members of the NL AIC. A mission is not a one-off, but a long-term investment. At a previous AI mission to the US in cooperation with the NL AIC, this resulted in a new investor for a start-up and a fellowship at Stanford University for a researcher.”
Added value of participating in the NL AIC
“The NL AIC is a unique coalition of companies, governments and knowledge institutions, which brings together all the strengths of the AI ecosystem, opens many doors nationally and also internationally, Stefan Koreneef said.”
Not yet a member of the NL AIC? Become a member and benefit from the knowledge and network on international and other relevant AI topics. For more information about the working group, please visit this page.